LOCGame Enters Partnership with Prada’s Alessandro De Vita
It’s 2022 now, and we’re stepping our game up even more to bring our community members and loyal fans the best card designs available on the market. We’re all about uniqueness, and that’s why we’ve decided to work with the very best in the art industry.
We’re extremely pleased to announce that we’ve entered into a partnership with Alessandro De Vita, a popular graphic designer, architect, and fashion aficionado at Prada. To top it all off, he’s created 3 new card designs for our “The Wolves of Crypto” collection.
About Alessandro De Vita
Alessandro De Vita is a Graphic Designer in Prada’s Visual Merchandising office and spends his team working on the company’s displays across the world and facilitating events. His experience spans a total of 10 years in the art world — he’s also heavily involved in supporting famous art studios and projects.
In regards to his artwork itself, he focuses on a classical style and researches onlights and shapes — he tries to emphasize and convey global news and technology in his art and attempts to create an imbalance while doing so. Check out his Instagram page here to learn more.
Below are the 3 unique cards that Alessandro has designed for LOCGame, which will also be playable within the game:
1. Web3 Developer
2. Startup Founder
3. Crypto KOL
More on the Horizon
The Wolves of Crypto Edition cards are an essential part of our game, adding some extra flavor to our special designs. Alessandro’s cards will soon be available on our marketplace for purchase!
Visit our website to get started. For anyone who has questions, send us an email to team@locgame.io.
Sincerely yours,
Rbl Labs and LOCGame